After your Recovery Test, your recovery score for that day will appear in the center of the Track screen as a percentage (%) from 1-100%.
IMPORTANT: Initially, your recovery score may appear as “100%.” Morpheus will take 5-7 days of consistent use to establish your personal baseline. The more data Morpheus collects, the more accurate he’ll become.
Note that if you stop using Morpheus for more than 7-10 days, you’ll need to re-establish your baseline.
You’ll notice that your recovery score will appear as green, amber, or red. These colors are assigned based on your total recovery percentage, as follows:
What Determines Your Recovery Score?
The power of Morpheus is in how smart he is and how much he continues to learn about your data the more you use him. There are several factors that determine your recovery score. Below is an overview.
HRV sets the range of possible recovery score %. It is always using a rolling 10-day average HRV number. This average forms a horizontal white line in the app on the HRV data view. The further away your HRV is on any day relative to your 10-day rolling average HRV, the lower your recovery score will be.
Here is a picture example of HRV deviating below and above the white line avg which caused a large drop in recovery score.
If you are one standard deviation away (above or below) from your 10-day rolling HRV average, then that’s going to be a range from about 65% up to 80% recovery.
Then the other factors slide recovery score up and down within that range.
Sleep amount and quality rating along with the previous day’s training session (it looks at the post-workout recovery adjustment and total time) play the biggest role, with steps and subjective markers of fatigue playing a smaller role.
The weighting also changes a bit based on the consistency of HRV measurements. If you have only taken 3 HRV measurements in the last 10 days, it’s going to create a bigger range of possible recovery scores and more heavily weight the other data.
HRV will always be the single biggest factor in your recovery score because it should reflect stress as a whole, but the other variables added together can typically swing your recovery score 10-20% or so.
If your HRV was normal, but you had a really hard training session the day before, your sleep was bad, you reported a high level of soreness, etc., then you could get down to the 80% range.
If your HRV was far away from average but you report that you feel great, it would depend on how far away from average the HRV was, but good marks on all the other variables would definitely prevent the recovery score from dropping too far.
Now that you understand how the recovery score is calculated, learn more about how to use Morpheus to adjust your daily training and recovery strategies by visiting the link below: